Adel may be a small town but we are anything but ordinary! We are a bustling community, bursting with historic homes, beckoning outdoor spaces, friendly people, engaged businesses, and charming gardens! And we LOVE to show off our uniqueness!
CHOW Chamber Happenings Opportunities Wisdom

As a member of the Adel Partners Chamber you are entitled to exclusive benefits and our newest offereing is CHOW: Chamber, Happenings, Opportunities, & Wisdom. This member-only luncheon will occur every other month, beginning in February, and include:
- Local presenters
- Updates on key topics including; city projects, growth and development, business happenings, local government and much more
- Chamber opportunities
- Great food from local vendors!
Hometown Holiday Celebration

Join us as we kick off the holiday season with a weekend full of festive activities, hosted by the Adel Partners Chamber. Shop, wine and dine throughout our community and experience the many ways we celebrate the holiday season.
Take a look at the schedule of events for 2024.
Come back soon and check out events scheduled for 2025!
Presented by the Adel Partners Chamber and powered by the This Is Adel committee.

Celebrate Adel is a reception where we honor Citizen of the Year and Business of the Year. At Celebrate Adel, Chamber members will discuss and layout their strategic plans for the year 2025.
Attendees will experiece Taste of Adel with food experiences from our local food vendors and caterers.